August 17th

11:00 – 17:00

At the LHFC Hall


Cost: Free for Members

Renew Your Membership

About the AGM

The AGM is your chance to have your say in how LHFC is run. In the morning we will sit down to discuss our priorities for the next year, what went well last year and what can be done better. We’ll also take care of some official business such as electing the committee and reviewing the club accounts.

After the meeting we’ll break for lunch and enjoy as much pizza as one cares to eat, before spending the afternoon with some friendly sparring. This is an ideal chance to meet people who train in other weapons or try your hand at a different style. Once sparring concludes we will head to a nearby pub, as is tradition.

Running Order

09:30 – 10:00 | Welcome

10:00 – 13:30 | Meeting. Elect the committee, set priorities for the year, any other business

13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch. Free Pizza for everyone!

14:30 – 16:30 | Sparring. Kit up and spar with your club mates and try new weapons

16:30 – 17:00 | Pack Up and vacate hall

17:00 onwards | Beers at a nearby pub (walking distance)

Get Involved

Submit Agenda Items

Anyone who feels there is a topic worthy of discussion by the whole club can submit an agenda item to be discussed at the AGM. A pack containing the agenda, reports from instructors, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be sent out before the meeting.

Any member can request items be added to the agenda either before or after this time. Time at the meeting is limited, so if there are lots of requests, it is likely that only the most pressing items will be discussed on the day.

Stand for the Committee

LHFC is a members run club and charity. That means that we don’t make a profit and that anyone can stand for election as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or volunteer to be part of the Management Committee.

The Committee is made up of the Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary (who are elected at the AGM), Instructors and any other volunteers who wish to assist with club operations. These have included officers in charge of; Communications, Fundraising, Membership Administration, Merchandise, Web Admin and more.

Not everyone who volunteers will always be able to help, but we always seek to ensure the committee is diverse and representative of club members.

RSVP to Secure Your Place

If you attended last year, your preferences will be saved, but you will still need to resubmit the form to secure your place.